Tuesday, July 13, 2021




Real Name: Quincy Marrow
First Appearance: New X-Men (Vol. 1) #126, July 2002

Powers: Slick was a mutant who possessed the power of telepathy, allowing him to project his thoughts and communicate with others mentally. In his natural form, he has a diminutive appearance, webbed feet and a rat-like face.

However, he possessed telepathically-enhanced charisma that allowed him to create a tangible ego, reshaping his self image into a solid, illusory creation and then projecting it so that he appeared to be a handsome and physically fit young man to everyone who saw him, or even made physical contact with him. His charisma made him more likeable to those around him, naturally drawing attention and respect, though sufficiently powerful telepaths could see through his illusions.

1 comment:

sylar10 said...

Quentin Quire exposed his true form...and then stole his girl from him! LOL.

What Slick was doing was no different than what Jason Wyngarde did during the Dark Phoenix Saga.