Wednesday, July 28, 2021




Real Name: Piper Dali
First Appearance: The Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #559, July 2008

Powers: Piper Dali mutated after being caught in her father's dimensional compressor. She developed the ability to flatten herself into a two-dimensional state, compressing her mass into an extremely thin frame. This papery form can absorb damage by yielding to blows and strikes, and she can also stretch her limbs and other portions of her body to a certain degree. Her thin and dense skin also becomes extremely sharp, letting her cut through Spider-Man's webbing and slice flesh with a pass of her hand. Paper Doll can also blend in with her surroundings in her two-dimensional state, taking on the same colors and patterns of a wall or billboard to become completely indistinguishable from her surroundings.

Finally, Paper Doll can recreate the dimensional compression effect on other people and objects she wraps around. Whipping her hand around Spider-Man's arm painfully compressed its mass into a papery state, leaving it all but useless until the effect wore off. She can wrap herself around an entire human body, reducing other people to a paper doll form as well, and her victims tend to suffocate to death as their compressed lungs are incapable of properly drawing breath.

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