Friday, July 23, 2021




Real Name: Paras Gavaskar
First Appearance: New X-Men (Vol. 2) #7, January 2005

Powers: Indra’s mutation grants him purple skin quasi-faceted like crystal. He has the components of a biological exoskeleton stored underneath his skin, and can summon it to the surface at will. Expanding in layers over his body, the exoskeleton forms a massive shell-like series of plates over every inch of his body except his face, protecting him from a significant degree of physical harm and increasing his strength to some degree as well. Recently, Indra has begun to expand the scope of his abilities. He can now manifest various kinds of living armor and weapons that he imagines in his mind's-eye. He can materialize a single dagger in the palm of his hand, or construct an elaborate and ornate set of battle armor, along with a variety of swords and bladed weapons springing into existence and hovering around his person.

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