Friday, July 9, 2021




Real Name: Beckah Parker
First Appearance: X-Force (Vol. 1) #116, July 2001

Powers: The Gin Genie had the mutant ability to generate vibratory waves from her hands, allowing her to shake, shatter, or crumble targets she focuses on, and direct her power at the ground beneath her feet to cause earthquakes or seismic upheavals. However, her power was directly proportionate to her current blood alcohol content: Being severely intoxicated increased her power levels.

1 comment:

sylar10 said...

Given that she was part of the media-skewering incarnation of X-Force, her alcohol-abusing character and power was most likely part of the book’s satire.

Such irony: She had to pre-game before using her seismic power, which gave new meaning to the term “alcohol shakes”.