Saturday, July 3, 2021




Real Name: Thomas Philip Moreau
First Appearance: Magneto Rex (Vol. 1) #1, May 1999

Powers: Zealot was a mutant who was genetically modified under the Genoshan Mutate Bonding Process to become Mutate #665. Like most Mutates, the standard mental conditioning used to render him docile and subservient wore off over time, restoring his free will.

Zealot had a mutant terraforming power allowing him to tap into the elemental forces in the earth of Genosha to augment his strength and direct rock and soil to his will. He may actually have been limited to only manipulating Genoshan land and soil (possibly as a result of the Mutate Bonding Process). He could levitate and direct land masses both small and large, from hurling a swarm of pebbles through the air to casting a massive boulder at his opponents. Zealot could make the earth open up and swallow his foes, or stimulate violent tremors to shake down a city. He could also make the ground beneath his feet rise in waves, and shape the earth into cages or tombs to encase a target with.

1 comment:

sylar10 said...

He’s a retcon character, the first born son of Dr. David Moreau, the Genoshan Genegineer.

Moreau always professed to be a patriot, but I never thought he’d turn his own son over to the state when he tested mutant positive.

But then again, he didn’t seem all that shaken up about subjecting the girlfriend of his youngest son, Philip, to the mutate process when *she* tested positive.