Monday, July 26, 2021




Real Name: Suzanne Chan
First Appearance: X-Men: Deadly Genesis (Vol. 1) #3, March 2006

Powers: Sway has the mutant ability to alter how time is represented to her mind and body, apparently through a form of interpretation and manipulation of temporal energy. She is able to exert influence over nearby objects, causing them to slow down as they move or stop entirely, frozen in mid-air and mid-motion. This allows her to immobilize her opponents, dodge bullets, stop vehicles in their tracks, etc. Sway can affect specific objects by focusing on them, or simply expand her temporal inhibitor field outwards to affect everything in a radius from her position.

Sway is also capable of retro-cognitive projection, she can tap into residual temporal imprints in her immediate vicinity, forming holographic images that replay past events in front of her with complete audio and visuals. She is able to recreate events that occurred a few hours in the past, though Vulcan used her power to replay events many years earlier. She can apparently control the speed at which the events she sees are replaying themselves. Though Sway cannot re-see events that took place anywhere but in her current line-of-sight, she can follow phantom objects through time by physically moving herself to "keep pace" with things that had moved through her area previously. Presumably, Sway can perform other tracing or re-visualization acts using her powers.

1 comment:

sylar10 said...

Chinese American mutant whose powers manifested after her parents were killed in a gangland war.