Thursday, July 1, 2021




Real Name: Jacob Lashinski
First Appearance: Quicksilver (Vol. 1) #9, July 1998

Powers: Decay's mutant power is that his life energy is depleting itself at an accelerated pace, and this causes him to age rapidly and to regularly appear like an old man, even though he is rather young. He can temporarily restore his youthful appearance by absorbing the life-force of other living beings, in the form of cohesive bio-energy. His touch causes people, animals, plants, and other forms of organic matter to disintegrate into ash within seconds. If a target is sufficiently charged with biological energy, such as the High Evolutionary at his peak, Decay's touch may not be deadly. It is unknown if he needs to absorb energy in order to stay alive, or just to assume a younger and healthier appearance.

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