Thursday, July 1, 2021




First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 1) #360, October 1998

History: When Operation: Zero Tolerance ransacked the Xavier Institute, they accidentally caused the X-Men's mutant detecting computer Cerebro to become a self-aware mobile entity. This Cerebro could create multiple bodies for itself, but could also create other kinds of extensions, such as the All-New All-Deadly X-Men constructs. Each "X-Man" was a nanotech construct split off from Cerebro's core essence and guided by a pre-programmed set of memories and powers based off Cerebro's files, mixed together into a new composite identity. The nanotech allowed Cerebro to replicate virtually any set of mutant abilities on record, and the identity programming was so extensive that the ANAD X-Men actually believed themselves to be mutants recruited by Xavier.

Addison Falk, the Grey King, demonstrated psionic powers, manifesting telepathic and telekinetic abilities through a fiery aura similar to the Phoenix Force. He possessed a superhuman intelligence as well as the ability to neutralize the abilities of others, limiting their thought processes and blocking their mutant powers for a time.

Daniel Dash, Chaos or Xaos, radiated psycho-plasmic force from his eye, generating a concussive shockwave in the direction he was looking. The effect was very similar to Havok's plasma effect.

Mercury could transform himself into liquid metal, assuming a superhumanly strong and durable form where he could also extend his fingers into razor sharp spikes. His abilities also including magnetism, allowing him to manipulate metallic substances from a distance.

Sister Joy, Rapture, had the blue skin and red hair of Mystique, but large white feathered wings like Angel, allowing her to fly.

Cristal Lemieux, Crux, created a bi-polar temperature effect that covered one side of her body in flames and the other in ice. She could project heat energy as well, causing her targets to melt or burst into flames, or freeze them solid in blocks of ice.

Lee Broder, Landslide, had oversized hands and feet in addition to a massive waistline. Despite this, he was incredibly agile and possessed superhuman strength, endurance, and resistance to physical harm.

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