Friday, April 23, 2021




Real Name: James Proudstar
First Appearance: The New Mutants (Vol. 1) #16, June 1984

Powers: Formerly Thunderbird II, Warpath’s mutant abilities have granted him a multitude of enhanced physical attributes. He possesses the same powers as that of his older brother, Thunderbird I, and more. He initially possessed only a moderate level of superhuman strength, speed, durability, and endurance. His muscle tissue is extremely dense and distributed in such a way as to give him massive shoulders, thighs, and arms. His skin is extremely dense as well, with an additional leathery epidermis, granting him superhuman durability. He possesses oversized lungs and a respiratory system that allows him maximum wind and endurance with a minimum of oxygen intake. As time passed, he developed greater and greater levels of strength as his height and muscle mass increased dramatically with age. He currently stands over 7' tall, possesses somewhere in the range of Class 90 strength, and is considerably resistant to physical injury, to the point of being bulletproof. Warpath began to develop new attributes to his power set shortly after being mind-controlled by Tessa, including the ability to run at over 100 mph and increased reflexes and perceptual ability. He now has excellent night vision and can efficiently process high-speed visual information, as well as possessing increased hearing and senses of touch and smell.

When the High Evolutionary temporarily removed the active mutant gene from Earth's population, the reversion of this effect "rebooted" the power templates of many mutants. Warpath seemed to have become stronger and more invulnerable than before after this, but the most obvious development was that he could now fly under his own power. Presently, however, his power levels seem dramatically reduced compared to what they have been in the past. He has used a quarterstaff in combat in the past, and recently begun using a pair of Vibranium hunting knives, which he can throw with uncanny accuracy.

James Proudstar is a formidable hand-to-hand combatant trained by both Cable and Wolverine. He is also well-versed in the traditional skills of his native Apache, including tracking, hunting, and wilderness survival.

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