Monday, April 26, 2021




Real Name: Jonathan Ohnn
First Appearance: Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #98, January 1985

Powers: Jonathan Ohnn was a scientist in the Kingpin's employ looking to recreate the powers of Cloak and Dagger. Instead of accessing the Dark or Darkforce Dimensions, however, his experiments pinpointed in on the neighboring Spotted Dimension, a realm of infinite white space dotted with black "spots" that acted as portals. By stepping through the portal he had harnessed, Ohnn transformed his entire body into a bleach-white complexion with those portals adhering to his skin.

Originally, Spot's body was covered with spatial warps in the form of black spots. Anything striking the black portions of his body would harmlessly displace into the Spotted Dimension, either getting lost there or returning to Earth back through another of the spots. Spot could rearrange the spots on his body, changing their arrangement or making them larger or smaller. By consolidating all spot warps into a single place on his stomach, he could return to his otherwise normal appearance. Spot could physically remove the spots from his skin, manually reshape them to become larger or smaller, and then cast them off. He could place spots on solid surfaces to rest, or throw them into the air and let the weightless portals rest in mid-air where they fell. Spot's teleportation ability was originally very limited, designed as a point-to-point transport system. Essentially, by traveling through the Spotted Dimension, he could only move from one existing "spot" to another on Earth. He could not teleport to places he had never been before, and could only reach places he had been before if he left behind one of his spots as a touchstone for future travel. He could leave nearly undetectable spots the size of a dot in a location, then expand the portal large enough to accommodate him when he needed to use it later. In combat situations, the Spot often scattered a series of portals in the field of battle, striking his fists through them in order to surprise his opponents with a punch from nowhere. Because his fists existed in another dimension until the moment he struck, even Daredevil's radar sense and Spider-Man's spider-sense were unable to anticipate the danger. Spot only had a finite number of spots to call upon. The more spots he removed and scattered over an area, the less existed on his skin. This left him vulnerable to harm without any portals to absorb and displace attacks directed against his person. However, all of these limitations to the Spot's abilities were largely ignored after his first few appearances.

He became capable of generating spot portals at will, teleporting places he had never been before and that contained no existing spots at that location. He gained a greater skill for rearranging the spots on his body instantly, using them defensively or for counterattacks, like reversing the direction of Spider-Man's punches so a spot on Spot absorbed his fist, only for it to reappear from a portal facing the opposite direction, causing Spider-Man to punch himself in the face. Spot could also remove himself from ropes or bonds at will by causing the spots on his body to grow like ink flowing over his skin, motionlessly teleporting himself to the Spotted Dimension instead of manually entering a portal.
Dr. Jonathan Ohnn is a genius-level intellect who holds a Ph.D. in engineering.

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