Monday, April 26, 2021




Real Name: Antonio Rodriguez
First Appearance: Captain America (Vol. 1) #308, August 1985

Powers: Antonio Rodriguez was subjected to an experimental process by Dr. Karl Malus that combined genetic material from an armadillo with his genes. The process caused the his strength to increase drastically, his skin to transform into a tough, organic armored plate, and his hands to grow thick tough claws.

Dubbed the Armadillo, Rodriguez possesses superhuman strength (Class 25), a high degree of resistance to bodily harm, and sharp claws on his hands and feet. The armor plating and tough hide covering his entire body enabling him to withstand the force of ballistic weaponry up to light anti-tank weapons without penetration. His skin can withstand brief exposure to flame, ice, and acid without damage. His bones and muscles have been augmented to such a degree that he can withstand the impact of being hit by a truck carrying ten tons of cargo traveling at 60 miles per hour without serious injury. The Armadillo possesses superhuman endurance as well, enabling him to exert himself at peak capacity for over and hour before fatigue begins to impair his performance. Despite his mass, he can move as quickly as a normal sized athletically inclined man.

The Armadillo's claws are strong enough to rend gouges in cinderblock and medium-density steel with minimal wear on the nails. Coupled with his great strength, he can break through a standard 4-inch steel-reinforced cinderblock wall in a matter of seconds, or dig a hole in the earth deep enough to fit his entire body in less than a minute.

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