Thursday, April 29, 2021




Roster (from left to right): Scatterbrain, Ringtoss, Gatecrasher, Yap, Elmo, China Doll, Ferro, Joyboy, Bodybag, Thug, and Numbers

First Appearance: Captain Britain (Vol. 2) #3, March 1985

Powers: Technet and the Special Executive are an interconnected pair of inter-dimensional, time-travelling bounty-hunting teams. While the Special Executive appeared first, they are actually from several hundred years further along in time than the Technet.

Fascination, or Scatterbrain, is a Loom-born with pale green skin, who never seems to touch the ground. She floats constantly, seems to possess superhuman strength (she could carry Captain Britain one-handed under her arm) and is capable of directional hovering. For sustenance, she feeds off of the psycho-emotional activity of living beings. This process seems to be completely passive, and causes no undue effect on the people she is drawing from. Offensively, Scatterbrain's main skill is the ability to expand an opponent's consciousness across the planes of temporal reality. This causes time and light to blast across their perceptions like a kaleidoscope, overwhelming her opponent's sensory capabilities and sending them temporarily into a fugue-like state. On occasion, she has also demonstrated the power to project energy beams from her hands.

Ringtoss is a golden-skinned humanoid with a flat-faced, ring-shaped head. Her head can release bands of energy that encircle around a target and constrict, holding them immobilized. Ringtoss is able to control the energy rings remotely, using them to lift and maneuver a captive through the air. One version of the Ringtoss character was also shown blasting a standard energy beam from her head, and charging her hands with energy so that she could cut through metal.

Gatecrasher is a massive humanoid, possessing superhuman physical strength and resistance to all manner of injury. She also seems to possess some minor form of telepathic communication abilities. Her wrist units are equipped with retractable beam weapons that strike with the force of a cannon blast.

Yap is a scrawny reptilian being who constantly wraps himself around Gatecrasher’s neck. He possesses extra-sensory abilities useful for locating and tracking their quarry. He can lock onto electronic auras from circuitry like Captain Britain’s costume, or the individual brain-wave patterns of different beings. He is also a teleporter, capable of transporting the entire team with pinpoint accuracy across the surface of a planet, thanks to his ESP providing him with spatial senses to feel out his incoming environment and rematerialize in safe and open locations. He can transit merely himself and Gatecrasher, or collect the entire Technet team from various places on a battlefield, sweeping them all away to safety.

Elmo resembles a bi-pedal squid with tentacles. He released a neutralizing effect as a stream of sparkles from his head, which could block out telepathic abilities and presumably other transnormal powers as well. His identical replacement, Waxworks, can negate the rigidity of objects on contact. This effect reduces the firmness of bone structure, turning his victims into a loose, rubbery mass, like Reed Richards without any control -- they find themselves unable to stand, much less move coordinately.

China Doll is quasi-serpentine, with a long flowing tail in place of human legs or a lower body. She also has a prehensile frog-like tongue, which she uses to catch flies or lick up maggots from rotten food to sustain herself. Her primary superhuman ability is to reduce the stature of objects on contact. Her touch causes matter to contract in on itself, reducing proportionately in size. This effect also increases her target's relative density, as their mass is compressed into a smaller volume. When applied against living beings, or other animate objects, this compression stiffens their bodies, making them incapable of moving freely, or even at all if they are reduced enough. Thus, the typical result of China Doll's power is to convert people into tiny statues for her to carry around. Usually, her power is depicted as temporary, wearing off a few minutes or hours after the initial exposure. On one occasion, however, Necrom's pet remained permanently stuck in its figurine state. The unique magical nature of the creature, its apparent death during the process, and the rare accelerated burst of China Doll's power which caused the transfiguration may be responsible for this. It seems China Doll's power must be triggered at a controlled rate to prevent build up of subatomic energy as she compresses the mass. By attempting to exert her reduction effect all at once in a single pulse, the pent up energy will discharge itself violently.

Ferro is a four-armed, slightly dog-faced furry humanoid. He has heightened strength, agility, and reflexes, and is a skilled swordsman capable of parrying with all four arms at once. His feet are also equally as opposable as his hands, allowing him to type at six different computer consoles simultaneously.

Joyboy has the ability to grant people bizarre and warped versions of their greatest desires. He can mentally lock onto these strong psychic emanations from the minds of others, and use this energy as a catalyst to reshape that person's physical reality. When Shadowcat's was stuck in her phased state and her strongest desire was to be solid again, Joyboy caused her to become enormously fat and bloated. Nibel Frobisher admired and lusted after his boss, Courtney Ross, and so Joyboy first transformed him to a hulking he-man that could "dominate" Ross, then transformed him into a spitting image of Ross herself, and then a mixture of both forms at once. It is unknown whether Joyboy's power automatically creates these bizarre renditions, or if he can choose how the warping effect takes a person.

Bodybag is an unusual, slightly snake-like biped who stands on pipe-cleaner legs. He is primarily useful for his ability to paralyze and capture prey. Two protuberances which extend out from his neck can squirt out a paralyzing neuro-toxin, shutting down all conscious neural activity in his opponents and leaving them tranquilized. Bodybag can then swallow the victim whole, using muscle contraction like a snake does to pull them down his highly flexible throat (his head and neck are so malleable, a member of Excalibur popped open an umbrella to full size in his mouth without injuring him). Once his victim is inside him, Bodybag expands a containment pod from his backside, a semi-transparent membrane cocoon that holds his prey in stasis. It is unknown if Bodybag will actually digest his prey over time, or if this bizarre physiological feature is meant for containment alone. He can store three full-sized humans on his back at once. The pods can be sliced apart and the victims freed without Bodybag suffering too much from being slit open.

Thug is a squat green biped, possessing short legs but immensely powerful arms, which give him superhuman physical strength.

Numbers is a large, semi-reptilian humanoid. Though he apparently has a superhuman level of strength and durability, as well as wicked finger claws, he designates himself a non-combatant.

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