Friday, April 23, 2021



Real Name: Thomas Fireheart
First Appearance: The Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #256, September 1984
Powers: Thomas Fireheart is the chosen protector of the Kisani tribe, the product of 10 generations of selective breeding and mystical rites to produce the perfect guardian. He is capable of summoning the puma spirit, transforming into a half-human, half-cat being with superhuman strength (Class 25), speed, agility, endurance, reflexes, and durability called the Puma. He's covered with orange fur and has razor sharp claws. His senses are tremendously acute, giving him excellent night vision and the ability to pinpoint a specific man by his heartbeat or scent. His tracking abilities are profound, easily the match for Wolverine or Daredevil, and through meditation his can sift through the smells and sounds of an entire city to pinpoint his prey.
Thomas Fireheart holds a Master's Degree in business administration. An extraordinary genius and billionaire industrialist, he is the founder and CEO of the multinational corporation Fireheart Enterprises. He is trained in many hand-to-hand combat techniques, especially in the martial arts used by Master Muramoto.

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