Monday, April 5, 2021




Real Name: Irene Adler
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 1) #141, January 1981

Powers: Destiny possessed the mutant power of precognition. She could psionically perceive the events of possible futures in her mind’s eye. Although she was blind, Destiny could mentally scan the probability spectrum of alternate futures and mentally perceive sounds and sights of events that distinguish them. By concentrating she could focus on only the most probable alternate futures.

The accuracy of Destiny's ability to foresee future events decreased in direct proportion to the distance those future events lie ahead in time. The greater the time factor, the greater the number of alternate futures to scan. She could comfortably scan the alternate futures that exist from one second away up until those that exist fifteen minutes away. Hence, she could be 97% accurate in her predictions of the future ten seconds away or less. Despite the limited extent of her certainty, her long-range scanning could be of great use in the early detection of possible random factors that could disrupt her or her partners' plans. The more likely that a particular alternate future would manifest itself in her reality, the clearer and more distinct her mental impression of it would be. Less likely alternate futures would appear hazy and indistinct. If she left her precognitive perceptions fully open, she would "see" an overlapping succession of images drift in and out of focus as probabilities shifted and further elements transpired. By active participation in the events around her, she could help shift the probabilities toward desired ends.

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