Sunday, April 11, 2021




Real Name: Meggan Puceanu-Braddock
First Appearance: Mighty World of Marvel (Vol. 2) #7, December 1983

Powers: Rumors to the contrary, Meggan is not a fairie. She is actually a mutant whose power makes her an elemental chameleon, her nature allowing her to affect her environment and in turn be affected by it. This is based on the fact that Meggan draws power and sustenance from any living bio-sphere: The stronger the natural energies of any given world, the more power Meggan can call upon. Lands where the inhabitants are in tune with the natural order of things and claim strong magical ties feed her energy, while overly industrialized and polluted areas are like a corrosive to her body. It seems unlikely that she would be capable of surviving in outer space. Because of her power, Meggan is unnaturally susceptible to influence from outside sources, as it is an inherent aspect of her being to be affected by her surroundings. If left unchecked, she will adapt her body and mind to anything prominent in her area: She may accidentally adopt the appearance of a bat or dolphin by being near such a creature, assume the ethnic features of a certain type of person she is around (even Nightcrawler's elfin appearance), or change to match the feelings or expectations of others. When surrounded by aroused men, she responded by adapting her mannerisms and appearance into more of a living pin-up girl to fit their desires; when influenced by the ambient evil of Inferno, she quickly became evil as well, in both form and deed; even her own emotions affect her, as Meggan becomes more or less attractive based on her own self-image. After learning to control her powers, though, Meggan became less reactive and more assertive about her appearance. Now, she could consciously fight off outside influences on her mind or form: she could negate Jamie Braddock's reality-warping effect on her body, or hold back the transmutation effect of Alchemy's touch for a time. In addition, her adaptability makes her resistant to high or low temperature extremes, and capable of intuitively understanding other languages, whether they be human, fairie, or whatever.

Actively speaking, Meggan is capable of perceiving what is known as the Alshra, a spirit plane which makes the living energy of a world and its inhabitants visible. By drawing upon this energy, Meggan can increase her physical strength and durability, reaching at least Class 80-90 levels. At first she would physically expand in size and muscle mass while doing so, but later learned to augment herself without changing her appearance. Meggan can also rechannel the energy she draws upon to fly and fire beams of psionic force from her hands. She can consciously access the empathic and morphing aspects of her power as well. Meggan is able to alter her clothing and physical features at will, mimicking the appearance of another person or creating new "looks" all her own. She can expand herself, growing fatter and wider upon command. Meggan can also assume animalistic traits at will, even if a given animal isn't around: She has adapted humanoid wolf, lion, bat, dolphin, mole, and rabbit traits in the past. As an elemental, she is now able to sense the flow of electricity around her and different electromagnetic phenomena by the way they alter natural energy patterns around her. She can ignite flames at will and manipulate fire created by her own hands or other sources, even dousing it if she chooses. Meggan is able to summon high velocity winds, disrupt force fields of an electromagnetic nature, manipulate lava so that it flows as she wishes, warping seismic fields to open up massive sinkholes that swallow buildings, etc.

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