Tuesday, April 20, 2021




Real Name: Marsha Rosenberg
First Appearance: Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars (Vol. 1) #3, July 1984

Powers: Marsha Rosenberg was altered on a genetic level by advanced radiation technology courtesy of Dr. Doom. This gave her the ability to convert her entire body into three distinct forms:

  • Plasma: Highly-charged particles which surround her body as white-hot flame, in which she can emit controlled bursts of thermal energy (in excess of 5,000° Fahrenheit) up to 40 feet.
  • Stone: A volcanic rock (basalt)-like form which grants her mobility, durability and Superhuman Class 50 strength.
  • Ash: A volcanic pumice-like composition whose configuration she can shift, shape, and control at will. She possesses her normal human strength in this form.

Volcana cannot make partial transformations and can only assume one form at a time. The alien technologies which empowered her also make her powers undetectable when she's in human form.

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