Wednesday, April 7, 2021




Real Name: Luna Maximoff
First Appearance: Fantastic Four (Vol. 1) #240, March 1982

Powers: Luna Maximoff is the daughter of Quicksilver and Crystal. A hybrid of both mutant and Inhuman genes, she tested negative for the x-gene at birth, and would not have developed powers naturally. She was exposed to the Terrigen Mists and received powers of empathic sight and projection as a result.

She perceives individuals as radiating different colors or intensities of light from within their bodies, and can interpret these lights as indicators of that person's emotional state. This allows her to not only read someone's general mood, but also small changes in their emotions caused by people or events surrounding them. For instance, Luna saw her father's general mood as one color, yet when he said her name his love for her radiated in a different set of colors for a moment. Luna can also somehow divine other forms of information by intuitively reading the emotional signature of people she looks at, such as picking up on Callisto's self-mutilation tendencies after M-Day just from a glance at her aura. In addition, she can read intentions to a degree, allowing her to sense what someone intends to do before they do it. This acts as an "early warning sense" whenever someone is attacking her, at least when she has her eyes on them. Luna's power is also expressive. She can impose specific emotions onto other people, such as causing them to become afraid of her. By seeing emotional activity in someone's aura, she can also isolate and "remove" that emotion, either by disabling a specific instance of emotion or removing someone's capacity to feel a given emotion entirely. How exactly this works and what the long term ramifications might be are unclear.

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