Monday, April 5, 2021




Real Name: St. John Allerdyce
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 1) #141, January 1981

Powers: Pyro possesses the mutant ability to assume psionic control over fire. He can manipulate the size, shape and intensity of his flames. He can extinguish existing flames or feed the fire to make even the smallest spark grow to enormous size. Pyro can mentally regulate the flame's temperature, and shape it in any number of ways. He can cause columns or walls of flame to shoot up, form giant grasping hands out of flame, or project flame jets that tracked a moving target wherever it went. Pyro can create animated figures out of fire, forming fire-people, birds, or dragons that move and act under his commands. He can somehow forge flames that were solid enough to interact with physical objects, like flaming creatures which could lift up people in their hands. He can make his fire have sufficient solidity to achieve extra force, and make his fire so intense that bullets melt before they hit him. In order to control fire, it has to be within a 100 yard radius of Pyro and in his line-of-sight, he cannot manipulate a fire that he is viewing on live television. He is invulnerable to fire under his mental control, but if he was to take his attention from it, he could be badly burned. On two occasions Pyro has been known to fly or hover by propelling himself with fire.

Because Pyro can’t generate flames on his own, he always has a fuel pack and flamethrowers attached to his wrists as a part of his fireproof costume. His flame throwers provide him with a constant source of fire to manipulate and shoot on mental command, traveling a distance of 25 feet without Pyro's aid.

St. John Allerdyce holds a college degree and was an accomplished journalist for an Australian wire service. He was also a successful writer of gothic romance novels.

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