Wednesday, April 14, 2021




Real Name: Sandra Vincent
First Appearance: Iron Man Annual (Vol. 1) #9, December 1987

Powers: Sandra "Sandy" Vincent was originally a baseline human with no superhuman powers. A secretary at the Roxxon Oil Company, she was determined to have the physical characteristics sought by Roxxon's research department and she was selected for experimentation to replace their deceased agent, Sunturion. Sandy was mutated by the implantation of numerous microwave generation and manipulation devices, and given a costume to help her control the abilities. She became the company's public spokeswoman known as "Stratosfire".

As Stratosfire, Sandy possessed virtually identical abilities to Sunturion. She possessed great control over microwave energy. She could convert herself into microwave energy and teleport to other locations, fire blasts of microwave energy, convert physical matter into microwave energy and then absorb it into herself, and absorb other forms of energy as well. Stratosfire's primary weakness was the Zed Control, placed within her as a control device by Roxxon. It could be activated by a remote signal to terminate her. Over time, she learned how to block the signal, however, it could still be activated by direct contact.

Sandy Vincent held a college degree in political science.

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