Wednesday, April 14, 2021




Real Name: Alexander Thorne
First Appearance: Alpha Flight (Vol. 1) #1, August 1983

Powers: Alexander "Alec" Thorne was a mutant whose power granted him superhuman genius-level intelligence. A genius polymath, Alec Thorne was one of the Earth's most intelligent individuals. His brain processed information with almost computer-like precision and speed, giving him superhuman levels of data recall, innovation, pattern recognition, cognitive multi-tasking, and mathematical processing.

He wore an encephalo-helmet in his criminal guise as Smart Alec. The helmet further augmented his IQ and was equipped with scanners that expanded the range of his auditory and visual senses beyond human detection, allowing him to hear on every frequency and see on every wavelength, thus providing additional datum for analysis and consideration.

His numerous Ph.D.'s included astrophysics, mechanics, and ancient history.

1 comment:

sylar10 said...

Smart Alec lost his mind when he stared into Shaman's medicine pouch. Shaman shrunk him down to size and stored Alec in the pouch until he could find a way to return the man's mind.

Walter Langkowski's soul entered Smart Alec within the pouch, and used him to escape the Crossroads of Infinity. Smart Alec was stepped on and crushed during a battle between Box and Sasquatch, after Walt had exited the tiny body. His mind is still in the medicine pouch.

Also, for years Marvel didn’t say whether his intelligence was a superhuman ability or just simply a natural, but unrealistically high IQ like Reed Richards’.
His appearance on those X-Men variant covers (the ones stated to have every Marvel mutant ever) released in the 2019 summer HoX relaunch seemed to confirm his mutant status. But then again, some of the characters appearing on those variants weren’t even mutants at all.