Friday, April 23, 2021




Real Name: Mary MacPherran
First Appearance: Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars (Vol. 1) #3, July 1984

Powers: Mary “Skeeter” MacPherran was subjected to various cellular radiation treatments which left her slight frame augmented by several hundred pounds of muscle, giving her superhuman strength (class 90). She also possesses superhuman endurance and resistance to harm. She can exert her full strength for over an hour before fatigue impairs her performance. She can resist penetration wounds from conventional ballistic weapons and temperature extremes (2,500° Fahrenheit to -180° Fahrenheit). Her rate of healing is over twice that of human being and she is immune to most terrestrial diseases.
She wore sonic field enhancers as gloves that increased her strength by a factor of 10. When she wore the Power Gem, her physical might was limitless, but her bond with the gem depended on her obsessive devotion to a single goal: Destroying the She-Hulk.
Titania is an experienced, vicious, and often treacherous unarmed combatant. She is also emotionally unstable, suffering from obsessive tendencies, misplaced aggression, a persecution complex, and a crippling inferiority complex that alternates with occasional delusions of grandeur.

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