Monday, April 5, 2021




Real Name: Sir James Jaspers
First Appearance: Marvel Super-Heroes #377, September 1981 (Earth-238 Version); Daredevils (Vol. 1) #7, July 1983 (Earth-616 version, image only); Daredevils (Vol. 1) #9, September 1983 (full Earth-616 version)

Powers: Mad Jim Jaspers has the unrestrained mutant ability to alter reality at its fundamental level. His power is simply unlimited and impossible to fully describe: His actions alone were once considered justification for Otherworld wiping out an entire plane of reality just to get rid of him. He can warp space and matter, causing them to collapse in on themselves in completely impossible ways. He can form tesseract space, making the inside of a hollow structure far more expansive than it could possibly be. Jaspers has at least some form of telepathic or clairvoyant ability allowing him to monitor events happening far away from his present location. He can alter the linear progression of time, causing events to more forward at a different rate of speed than should be natural. Mad Jim can affect molecular structures for simple feats like changing white wine into red, or more bizarre feats such as causing humanoid boils to sprout from someone's flesh. He can teleport instantaneously between space and dimensions, drive people stark-raving mad on a whim, and construct genuine alternate realities within the confines of an existing one. Jaspers can alter his own shape to become any form imaginable, and be reduced to nothing more than a charred skeleton, then regenerate himself back to normal within seconds. He is even capable of creating fully autonomous sentient beings from nothing.

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