Monday, April 26, 2021




Real Name: Silver Sablinova
First Appearance: The Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #265, June 1985

Powers: No superhuman powers, the Silver Sable is a normal human trained extensively in all forms of hand-to-hand combat and has mastered a variety of weapons.

Due to her association with the Wild Pack (professional soldiers hunting Nazi war criminals) and the Symkarian government, the Silver Sable has the latest technology and equipment at her disposal, along with an extensive manpower force. She sometimes uses a katana sword and the Chai, a half-moon weighted projectile of her own design.

She is the owner of Silver Sable International, a for-profit corporation specializing in bounty hunting and as a security force for the eastern European Kingdom of Symkaria. Since Silver Sable International is Symkaria's chief source of revenue, she has considerable financial resources and is able to hire specialized assistance, offer full compensation for damages caused by her employees in the course of a contract, and provide full benefits for her employees.

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