Monday, April 12, 2021




Real Name: Elizabeth Twoyoungmen
First Appearance: Alpha Flight (Vol. 1) #5, December 1983

Powers: Elizabeth Twoyoungmen is the daughter of Shaman (Michael Twoyoungmen) and has a natural, almost genetic power to manipulate magical forces. She can disrupt magic on contact, dispersing mystical energy or undoing a spell affecting a living being. She could also absorb magic directed at her, either hurling the spell back at her opponent or manipulating the magical force for new purposes. She could use her power for levitation and flight, material discorporation, the creation of quasi-tangible animated constructs that carried out her bidding, etc. She could also generate a psionic homing signal, alerting Alpha Flight members to a threat and compelling them to gather in her presence. 
As the Talisman, Elizabeth wore the Coronet of Enchantment on her brow, which bonded to her skin and enabled her to command the obedience of the spirits her father could only beg for favors. This power corrupted her in time, though, and Michael was forced to tear the circet from her forehead and place it on his own, assuming the name and power of Talisman. Sometime later, he returned the circet to his daughter and began using his medicine pouch again, in addition to his new spiritual power.

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