Monday, April 5, 2021




Real Name: Dominikos Ioannis Petrakis
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 1) #141, January 1981

Powers: Avalanche possesses the mutant ability to generate powerful vibratory waves from his hands. By focusing his power on a target, he can strike objects with shockwaves carrying a concussive impact, cause them to shatter, or destabilize his target at a molecular level so that it crumbles and disintegrates into powder. His power is ineffective against organic matter. Attempting to do so will cause his vibrations to reverberate and feedback on him, which once broke nearly every bone in his arms when he used his power on the Hulk.

By directing vibrations at the ground beneath himself, Avalanche can stimulate ground tremors, creating earthquake-like effects that throw his opponents off balance, open fissures in the earth, and can weaken the structural integrity of building foundations or the ground itself. This application of his powers is especially effective on earth that is already seismically unstable. He has practiced in using his powers to create ripple effects which alter the landscape under his control. Avalanche can create slopes and inclines from flat level ground, cause chunks of pavement or earth to blast up into the air and then fall in simulated landslides or avalanches, or summon "tidal waves" of matter that ripple across the ground. He can ride atop these waves for transportation, or use them to bury his opponents.

Avalanche is a trained mercenary and a talented landscape gardener.

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