Wednesday, April 14, 2021




Real Name: Beta Ray Bill
First Appearance: The Mighty Thor (Vol. 1) #337, November 1983

Powers: Beta Ray Bill was an extraterrestrial being bionically engineered into his esquine-faced cyborg appearance by his people, the Korbinites, giving him near-Class 100 strength, superhuman stamina, reflexes, and durability, and the ability to survive in space.

He was granted powers virtually identical to Thor's by Odin, thanks to his uru hammer Stormbreaker. By stamping the hammer on the ground, he could transform from his Asgardian-enhanced cyborg form back into his original cyborg form (with Stormbreaker turning into a Don Blake-style cane). He also had Thor's various powers including weather control, elemental lightning blasts, flight, dimensional transportation, and enchantments on the hammer so that it could not be lifted by the unworthy and always returned to his hand after being thrown.

In recent times, Bill's spirit was fused with the body of a recently deceased human on Earth. The transformation power of Stormbreaker now shifts him back and forth between this human's body and his Beta Ray Thor form. The hammer disappears when he converts to human mode, and his reverse transformation is triggered by "miming" the act of stamping an invisible hammer as a human.

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