Sunday, April 11, 2021




Real Name: Yuriko Oyama
First Appearance: Daredevil (Vol. 1) #197, August 1983 (as Yuriko Oyama); Alpha Flight (Vol. 1) #33, April 1986 (As Lady Deathstrike)

Powers: Yuriko Oyama became Lady Deathstrike after undergoing cybernetic enhancement via Spiral's Body Shoppe. Her first transformation recreated her father's Adamantium bonding process, adding both pure Adamantium and advanced cybernetic circuitry and components to her original body. Over time, Yuriko upgraded herself so extensively that her original body is now completely gone. In recent years, she inhabited purely mechanical bodies mixed with artificially grown flesh and hair over this cybernetic chassis. She could abandon damaged bodies by transmitting her consciousness electronically over a hardline or via satellite transmission relays, uploading herself into a new body or safe storage facility. Presently, Yuriko exists as a downloadable nanotech delivery package. She forged an alliance with Ana Cortes of Bogata, who provided her body as a canvas for Yuriko's nanotech. Ana was imprinted with Yuriko's mind and nanites -- the two of them now co-occupy Ana's body, which is being rewritten on a subatomic level by Yuriko's nanites to recreate her cybernetic structure and powers.

Her enhancements grant her superhuman strength, foot speed, agility, endurance, reaction time, telescopic vision, hearing, and resistance to physical injury. Her skeleton is laced with Adamantium metal to make it virtually indestructible, and her cybernetics contain nanite re-generators which can repair certain levels of damage without outside repairs. She has foot long Adamantium talons extending from each of her fingernails, and she can extend both the talons and her arms to more than twice their original lengths. She has also demonstrated the ability to produce electrical charges through her mechanical components, and can extend interface jacks which allow her to mentally hack into computer systems and then either operate or reprogram them with her thoughts.

Lady Deathstrike is a remarkably skilled martial artist, considered an expert in the art kenjutsu and other samurai warrior skills. She is fluent in both English and Japanese and is an accomplished pilot of various aircraft and seacraft.

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