Friday, April 23, 2021




Real Name: Unknown
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 1) #179, March 1984

Powers: Leech’s mutant power is the ability to generate an invisible field of psionic energy, with a maximum range of approximately 30 feet from him, that obstructs the neural pathways in the brains of superhumans. This obstruction affects the area of the brain governing superhuman abilities, negating their abilities so long as Leech is in their immediate proximity.

Through time and training with X-Factor, Leech learned how to control and retract his dampening field so that superhumans could use their abilities around him. For example, he could control his power to the point where Marvel Girl could carry him while flying telekinetically without losing her powers. He also learned how to expand his field in specific directions to target selected individuals in range without neutralizing everyone nearby. Because of circumstances, Leech's power dampening field was used most often against other mutants. Consciously activated mutant abilities would not activate in his presence, and autonomic mutations would cease functioning as well: Iceman could not generate or change into ice, the shape-changing Ape would spontaneously revert back to his normal form, Tar Baby's sticky skin stopped sticking, etc.

occasionally has shown he can use his powers to neutralize non-mutant abilities as well, such as Hazmat's toxicity. He even neutralized the powers of the shape-shifting Xartan carbon copy men, implying his power can read a general sense of what the baseline genealogy is for any species, then revert individuals back to that baseline, human or otherwise.

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