Thursday, April 29, 2021




Real Name: Unrevealed
First Appearance: Captain America (Vol. 1) #307, July 1985

Powers: The man who became Madcap was involved in a vehicular accident with a chemical tanker that left him fermenting in a pool of Compound X07 spilled by the tanker's collision. Compound X07 is a chemical mixture of unknown compounds concocted by the Advanced Idea Mechanics and apparently contained enzymes that promoted rapid healing in the human body. His exposure to Compound X07 left him with two separate superhuman powers:

The first is his ability to rapidly heal his own wounds of the flesh, bone, and tissue. Madcap has been observed to mend broken bones rapidly, expel bullets lodged in him, and recover from a variety of lacerations and puncture wounds. He can re-attach dismembered limbs and digits and heal from being burned beyond recognition. He can regenerate brain cells when he sustained an injury to the brain, but apparently he cannot heal the damage done to most of his body's nerve endings that results in his inability to perceive pain. The extent of his tactile sensations is also unknown. He no longer feels pain, and has quickly recovered from every form of physical punishment he has been exposed to since the accident.

Madcap's second superhuman power is the ability to psionically stimulate the inhibition centers in other human beings' brains. By stimulating them, he can cause other people to act in a generally euphoric, uninhibited, outlandish manner. He cannot control the type of behavior his subjects will exhibit; that is dictated by the subjects' own psyches. Apparently a person must establish eye contact with Madcap in order for him to affect his or her brain. It is not known precisely how long a person will be prone to aberrant behavior from a single stimulation of one second's duration. This also may be determined by the individual's psyche and normal inhibition level. Madcap's victims have been observed to act crazily for fifteen minutes to a half hour after a single stimulation. If Madcap were to repeatedly stimulate someone before the effect of the first stimulation wore off, he could keep them acting crazily indefinitely.

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