Wednesday, April 21, 2021




Real Name: Nathaniel Richards
First Appearance: Fantastic Four (Vol. 1) #272, November 1984

Powers: No superhuman powers. Nathaniel Richards is a wealthy physicist renowned for his many inventions and breakthroughs. Together with industrialist Howard Stark, they built the Vanguard flagship for the V Battalion convert agency using reverse-engineered alien technology.

An intellect of extraordinary genius, Nathaniel's scientific prowess has helped him devise several time-traveling and dimension-crossing technologies which he utilizes regularly. He wears mechanical devices on his person that allow him a wide range of enhanced abilities, including superhuman strength and durability, power blasts, magnetic boot clamps, and servo-generators enabling him to fly. Nathaniel uses transmat receptors that allow him instantaneous teleportation and he uses enlargement rays when needed.

1 comment:

sylar10 said...

He’s Reed Richards’ dad. As a single parent, he raised Reed and encouraged his scientific aptitudes.

Nathaniel invented the first time-travel platform of the modern era and wanted to travel in time. Before he left, he set up a perpetuity fund that kept his housekeepers paid/employed; left Reed with $2 billion (most of which he put into that infamous rocket ship that birthed the FF); and made arrangements so that he couldn’t be declared legally dead.

He wanted to travel 15 years forward, but a miscalculation caused him to travel sideways, trapping him in the parallel Earth/divergent timeline/What If? reality of Earth-6311. On this Earth, the dark ages never occurred and technology flourished (man had reached the moon by the 9th century). But war and strife had besieged this Earth by the time Nathaniel arrived.

Using his scientific genius, he became known as “the Benefactor” and brought about a peace and prosperity to this Earth which lasted well into its 30th century future. At which point, a descendant of his (and Dr. Doom’s) was born. Bored of the peaceful era, this man sought adventure and found his ancestor’s time-travel platform. After years of modifying it, he used it to travel in time and seek adventures. This man, this descendant was named Nathaniel Richards II...

...aka the Pharaoh Rama Tut, the Scarlet Centurion, Kang the Conqueror, and Immortus.