Thursday, April 29, 2021




Real Name: Unknown
First Appearance: Avengers (Vol. 1) #257, July 1985

Powers: Nebula was converted by extraterrestrial scientist, Dr. Mandibus, into a cyborg. She has an artificial left eye, arm, and shoulder. The upper left quarter of her head and part of her right hip are sheathed in metal. She possesses superhuman strength (Class 25) and durability. She has blasters worn on both wrists that fire both concussive blasts of an unknown form of energy and heat blasts that can incinerate a person almost instantly. She once wore a device that allowed her to disguise her appearance, through either holographic projection or a molecular rearrangement of both her body and clothing.

Nebula briefly possessed unlimited superhuman powers on two occasions: Once, when she was in possession of the Infinity Union, a combination of three devices which could channel all forms of ambient energy into her when together. The second was when she possessed the Infinity Gauntlet holding all six of the Infinity Gems, which gave her seemingly absolute control over reality.

A gifted intellect, she is an excellent battle strategist.

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