Monday, April 26, 2021




Real Name: Mojo
First Appearance: Longshot (Vol. 1) #3, November 1985

Powers: Hailing from a dimension later known as the Mojoverse, Mojo is a member of the Spineless Ones, a race of dominant life forms lacking spines and driven mad by television transmissions received from Earth. A native scientist named Arize developed a process to graft spines to the Spineless Ones, giving them mobility though most refused. He also created a race of synthetic humanoids based on the humans seen in the broadcasts.

Mojo eventually rose to power to become ruler of this dimension and constructed a society based on the television projections. Discovering that controlling the broadcasts to his race’s minds and getting high ratings meant more control of the government, Mojo enslaved the humanoid race and began featuring them in various productions.

Mojo has mystical powers apparently native to his race. He produces an anti-life force, a decaying effect that radiates from his body to damage organic tissue and living beings who come into contact with him and, on Earth, has an exponentially growing effect on the environment. Mojo's presence on Earth can cause any and all living things in his area to wither and die, and the potency and range of this anti-life force increases the longer he is on Earth. He possesses considerable physical strength in his arms, and can fire concussive blasts from his hands.

Mojo possesses technology capable of controlling minds, forcing others to carry out his commands and act according to his "scripts." It can amplify his mind control to a planetary scale, create artificial life-forms, as well as vast complex sets for the productions he films.

Non-ambulatory due to being a vastly overweight invertebrate, Mojo uses a platform with spider-like legs, and a mechanical tail that can fire powerful blasts. Though dangerously cunning, Mojo is also highly irrational.

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