Wednesday, April 21, 2021




Real Name: Unrevealed
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 1) #188, December 1984 (In Naze's form); The Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 1) #227, March 1988 (In his true form)

Powers: The Adversary is an ancient mystical entity, demonic in nature, who seeks to destroy the present universe and replace it with a new one. The Cheyenne Indians refer to him as "The Great Trickster", as he uses trickery and deception in attempting to achieve his goals. His native dimension is one of chaos, which he loves and seeks to spread to Earth's dimension, overturning order for the mere sake of doing so.

He manipulates mystical energy for nearly any purpose imaginable. He could possess a mortal being, but could also function independently as a mystical energy being. In his true form, he is not composed of physical matter. This allows him to be engaged through magic, but not through most forms of physical force. The exception that the Adversary is vulnerable to is cold iron, and hence to both steel and Adamantium.

He was a shape-changer, able to assume any number of different physical forms. His powers could read minds, animate unliving materials (including the dead), project force, shatter dimensional barriers, summon demons or other magical entities, and so on. He could travel between dimensions, and may have even been able to create alternate worlds and transport others to them.

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