Sunday, April 25, 2021




Real Name: Gardner Monroe
First Appearance: Alpha Flight (Vol. 1) #11, June 1984

Powers: Flashback’s mutant power is the ability to psionically summon what he calls "future-selves", versions of himself from various random instances in the future (ranging anywhere from seconds to years from now). His power reaches into the future to pull his body into the present. He cannot converse with his future-selves or learn anything about the future from them. They are mindless automatons with the present-day Flashback's consciousness imprinted over theirs, essentially acting as extensions of his will. He can manifest his future selves anywhere within his line-of-sight, even in mid-air.

While in costume, Flashback tends to materialize future-selves wearing a version of his own costume with a negative polarity on the color scheme, however the reason for this remains unexplained. When the future-selves are no longer needed, Flashback causes them to de-materialize on the spot, and they apparently return to the future at the exact moment when he summoned them.

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