Monday, April 26, 2021




Real Name: Guido Carosella
First Appearance: The New Mutants (Vol. 1) #29, July 1985

Powers: Strong Guy’s mutant power is to absorb kinetic energy and convert it into physical power. By processing the force behind any impact, his body directs that kinetic energy into his muscles, causing them to swell and increase his strength, endurance and durability to superhuman levels for a short time. This effect is somewhat unstable in his system, though. Guido's body cannot handle the adverse changes to his physiology for extended periods of time. Although his strength increases on impact, he cannot long store the absorbed kinetic energy. He must physically expend it (by striking a target with an amount of force equal to the energy he absorbed) within 90 seconds. The original impact that triggered his powers during puberty left his muscles bloated and disfigured permanently, and he will be in constant pain for the rest of his life.

As a result, Strong Guy now permanently stands over seven feet tall and weighs over 700 lbs, most of it from the extremely dense muscles in his upper body. He possesses a baseline level of superhuman class 50 strength and a superhuman resistance to injury, which can be increased via his power. The upper limit to his power is determined by the rest of his body's ability to handle the energy; absorbing several amounts of kinetic energy in short order once over-strained his heart. However, the mutant known as Forge invented a pacemaker surgically implanted into Guido's heart that directs kinetic energy to it, ensuring that it grew in proportion to his other muscles and to prevent further health problems. His limit has been raised because of the implant, as he has lifted well in excess of 100 tons when highly charged.

Guido Carosella holds a bachelor of fine arts degree in drama from New York University. He is both a talented musical comedy actor and stand-up comedian. He is extremely nearsighted and wears thick corrective lenses. He is also a formidable hand to hand combatant, skilled in using street fighting techniques.

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