Sunday, April 25, 2021




Real Name: Quincy McIver
First Appearance: Captain America (Vol. 1) #310, October 1985

Powers: Quincy McIver was a quadriplegic amputee who lost his limbs in a boating accident while evading police authorities. He later underwent a surgical procedure to restore his mobility. He was bionically enhanced, with new arms replacing his lost ones and a 14' long snake-like tail attached to his lower abdomen and replacing his legs. By rapid muscular contractions along the length of his tail, he can travel up to 40 miles per hour, or move even faster for short jumps by coiling and releasing his tail like a spring. He can wrap his tail around someone and constrict to cut off their oxygen supply. By wrapping his tail into a tight coil and making a sudden lunging motion, he can move a little over 18 feet in just two seconds. Though his body is not designed for lifting great weights, he does have superhuman strength (Class 40) in his bionic arms, and can squeeze his hands like a vise. The bionic motors in his artificial arms and tail respond to his nerve impulses.

Bushmaster occasionally straps foot-long fang blades onto the backs of his hands, which are razor sharp and tipped with a powerful poison derived from snake venom.

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