Wednesday, April 21, 2021




Roster: Julie Power, Alexander Power, Jack Power, and Katherine Margaret Power (top to bottom)
First Appearance: Power Pack (Vol. 1) #1, August 1984

Powers: The Power Pack are a group of four baseline human siblings who had superhuman powers transferred into them by a dying extraterrestrial Kymellian named Aelfyre Whitemane. They each gained one of four powers: Mass, acceleration, gravity and energy. In addition, they are capable of summoning and displacing their costumes at will, and possess healing powers. Through concentration, each Power Pack member can will themselves to heal at a slightly accelerated rate. Working together, they can amplify each other's healing powers, becoming greater than the sum of their parts. The Power Pack can focus all their healing energy on helping one member, or even heal someone else, normally by holding hands in a circle with the fifth person in the center. Each member wears a special costume made of unstable molecules by the Kymellian smartship Friday. The costumes can be intangible and invisible, but will materialize on them when they will them to do so.

-Alex Power, the eldest sibling, was first Gee with the gravity power, then Destroyer with energy, Mass Master with mass, Powerpax and Powerhouse when he held all the powers, and is currently Zero-G with the gravity power again. Initially, Alex could manipulate his weight and the weight of anything he touched by generating graviton or anti-graviton particles. Affecting himself, Gee could become weightless and float about, or gravitize himself in new directions, allowing him to walk on walls or ceilings. He adopted the use of glider wings on his costume which let him control his flight somewhat. The most common use of his powers was to lift objects many times heavier than he could normally lift, some even weighing hundreds of tons. By increasing the pull of gravity on his body, Alex could drop like a stone from the air, landing on a target with significant force. As Destroyer, his larger body was capable of storing larger amounts of energy than Katie, and producing more powerful energy balls. Because of his advanced age compared to the others, Alex is somehow capable of consciously manipulating the power templates he and his siblings have. Through close proximity he can trigger power switching between him and his siblings, or absorb all the powers into himself as his did while a New Warrior. As Powerhouse, Alex demonstrated new abilities like projecting the acceleration-energy signature as a force blast and manipulating the density of other people instead of just himself. Powerhouse was capable of relocating himself and others across the globe within seconds by converting their mass into mist form, propelling himself into the upper atmosphere to escape Earth's gravity and moving at odds with Earth's rotation, then coming down on a different section of the planet. Now returned to just gravity powers, Alex has learned to project his G-effects from a distance (at 100 feet), without requiring physical contact. Alex Power possesses a genius-level intellect, a natural tactician, and both an exceptional scientist and mathematician.

-Julie Power was Lightspeed with acceleration, Molecula Mistress of Density with mass, and then Starstreak with acceleration again. Julie is able to fly by propelling herself with a thrust effect. The upper limit of her speed has yet to be determined, but she has proved able to surpass the speed of sound (770 miles per hour). It is not known whether she can come close to the speed of light. The energy that Lightspeed releases while flying is visible behind her for about no more than a minute as a trail of rainbow like light. She later tapped into a new aspect of the acceleration effect to teleport instantaneously from one place to another. She could transport herself and passengers at least as far as from orbit to the planet's surface. She has also learned how to manipulate her rainbow energy to produce almost-hypnotic displays of light, and control her thrust to move at different speeds, hover, etc. At high speeds she projects an aura of unknown energy about herself that protects herself and anyone she carries from the adverse effects of air friction.

-Jack Power was Mass Master with mass, Counterweight with gravity, Destroyer with energy, and now back to Mass Master. Jack can alter the level of density of the mass of his body through an act of will. His control over his density does not operate in the same manner as the Vision's similar power. Unlike the Vision, Mass Master cannot become intangible or diamond-hard, nor can he increase his weight beyond its normal level. Moreover, the Vision retains his normal size throughout all his density changes, whereas Mass Master does not.

Instead, by mentally expanding the amount of space between the molecules of his body, Mass Master takes on gaseous form. His consciousness remains intact when he is in this form and continues to control his body in gaseous form. Mass Master can expand his size to gigantic proportions. He can also float and fly in the air when he is in gaseous form. Apparently Mass Master does not need to ride air currents to move through the air, but it is unclear exactly how he propels himself forward. In his gaseous form solid objects pass through him harmlessly; however, he cannot carry solid objects when he is in this form. Mass Master's gaseous form is cloudlike, and he can make himself resemble a dense fog so as to conceal his teammates. Mass Master usually maintains his normal human shape (at least or the upper portion of his body) when he is in gaseous form, but he can alter this form's appearance. He can also maintain control over his entire gaseous substance if portions of it become separated from him.

By mentally reducing the amount of space between his body's molecules, Mass Master can shrink in size to a height of only several inches. Mass Master thus compressed this full mass into a very small volume. His body is harder and thus more resistant to injury when he is at this size. At this size, by jumping atop an adversary, Mass Master creates his "Jack Hammer" effect: By floating over an opponent as a cloud and then quickly compressing himself down to a few inches tall, landing on his opponent with the full mass of an adolescent boy concentrated on a single spot. When he had the gravity power, Jack learned how to throw superhumanly powerful punches by focusing Plus G's through his fist. He also could decrease his weight without becoming weightless, allowing him to leap great heights and distances as "Jumpin' Jack". After regaining his density power, Jack learned how to project the effect onto the atmosphere, creating a molecular density field by solidifying elements in the air to create solid walls of protection.

-Katherine "Katie" Power is the youngest sibling and was the Energizer with energy, Starstreak with acceleration, Counterweight with gravity, and now back to Energizer. She can project "power balls" of force from her chest, which carry great destructive impact. In order to amass enough energy to form the "power balls," Energizer must disintegrate an object and absorb the released energy into herself. Apparently, Energizer does not convert all of the matter she disintegrates into energy, or create nuclear reactions within it; if she did, she would release far more energy than she has so far. Instead, she disintegrates matter by severing the bonds holding its molecules together. Energizer prefers to derive energy by disintegrating solid objects or liquids; gases, except in impractically large amounts, could not give her sufficient energy. When charged with energy, Energizer's body often glows with crackling power.

At first, the Energizer had little control over her power, and would accidentally fire power balls on becoming angry or frightened. Moreover, the power balls would fly off in all directions from her chest. With practice and determination, however, Energizer has since learned how to fire the power balls when she wishes to, and in the specific direction she wishes. There are undefined limits to the amount of time she can contain certain amounts of energy within her body, and she sometimes may be forced to release power balls simply to rid herself of excess energy. Through practice with the Morlock named Erg, Energizer has learned how to absorb energy fired at her and then use it to create power balls. Energizer also learned how to absorb other projected forms of energy directly in order to power up.

Energizer's power is limited by the amount of energy she can absorb. She can easily absorb and release enough energy to destroy several steel beams at once, as she did when she caused a building under construction to collapse upon the being known as Kurse. Straining to her utmost limit, Energizer once absorbed tremendous amounts of mystical energy from the enchanted hammers of Thor and Beta Ray Bill, and released it upon Kurse. It was enough power to stun that being, who was then over twice as strong as Thor, into unconsciousness.

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