Friday, April 23, 2021




Real Name: Haroun ibn Sallah al-Rashid
First Appearance: The New Mutants (Vol. 1) #16, June 1984

Powers: Jetstream was born with the mutant ability to bodily generate thermo-chemical energy and release it through his skin. He could release the energy downward as a propulsive effect that enabled him to fly at subsonic speeds while maintaining a high degree of maneuverability. He was not immune to the harmful effects of his powers like most mutants and accidentally set himself on fire as he flew. He underwent extensive cybernetic surgery, including virtually replacing his entire lower body with bionic components. He then focused his flight power through a retractable bionic rocket pack and had an array of navigational components and software in his brain that increased his maneuverability in the air. This enabled him to negotiate building hallways at top speed, dodge projectiles, weave through elaborate obstacle courses, etc.

1 comment:

sylar10 said...

He’s a Moor who's got the same power as Cannonball, but with some exceptions:

1.) Jetstream was faster and had maneuverability, mostly due to his bionics.

2.) He didn’t have Cannonball’s blast-field protection effect which is why he wasn’t immune to the potentially hazardous backwash of his own thrust projection.

3.) Since the Hellions massacre, of course, Cannonball has also developed a large array of other uses for his power (from force fields, kinetic absorption to energy blasts) that Jetstream never did.