Wednesday, March 31, 2021




Real Name: Adam Neramani
First Appearance: X-Force Annual (Vol. 1) #2, October 1993

Powers: X-Treme is a mutant hybrid of human and Shi’ar genes. He possesses enhanced strength, being able to press somewhere in a range above the average Shi’ar, bordering on superhuman. His physical endurance is about more than 20 times that of a human. His speed, reflexes, agility, athletic skills, and dexterity are far superior to both human and Shi’ar. He has pointed ears and his eyesight is superhuman, allowing him to visually perceive objects at least 1 mile away with precise clarity.

His mutant power is to generate a biochemical energy blast that ignites the electrolytes present in a person’s blood, causing the person to burn from the inside out. The intensity of the burn is variable, being anywhere from just a warming sensation to incinerating a person within a matter of seconds. X-Treme can affect multiple targets with this power and the average intensity of it is enough to stun. This does take a tremendous effort for X-Treme and will usually leave him in a weakened state, so he doesn't utilize it very often. Also, in order for X-Treme to ignite the electrolytes he must first oxygenate the blood. This is usually done by cutting the target and exposing their blood to the air. Any person with an open cut becomes a target for him. X-Treme uses a trigger word of "Burn" to activate his power and his eyes will glow with a reddish light.

He often uses a variety of Thet’je blades as well as two retractable blades on each arm, just located above the wrist. He is also a skilled fighter and swordsman.

1 comment:

sylar10 said...

He was confirmed to be the genetic son of the Shi’ar Emperor D’Ken and Katherine Anne Summers, making X-Treme the maternal half-sibling to the Summers brothers (Cyclops, Havok, and Vulcan).

Other than that, I loved his fights with Shatterstar. He still sports a backwards baseball cap...a true holdover from the ‘90s.