Wednesday, March 17, 2021




Real Name: Jocasta
First Appearance: Avengers (Vol. 1) #162, August 1977

Powers: Jocasta was a living robot created by Ultron and based on the brain wave patterns of the Wasp. Jocasta was constructed out of titanium alloy, possessing superhuman strength, running speed, endurance, reaction time, and visual and auditory senses. She was considerably resistant to physical injury and had advanced cognitive processing capabilities. Her cybernetic senses acted as motion and proximity sensors, enabled her to detect various forms of energy, and pinpoint the mutagenic energy signatures of mutants and superhumans. She could also generate electromagnetic energy, either as a force field to increase her durability or as blasts of concussive energy from her eyes.

After being destroyed physically, Jocasta's personality program was preserved by Sunset Bain, and later recovered by Iron Man. For a time, she operated as a sentience within the shared systems of Stark Solutions, Tony's automated home Stark House, and the Iron Man armor. Pre-dating the current integrated Iron Man A.I.'s, Jocasta could run search and analysis programs for Stark within the armor independently of his own activities, and perform numerous other tasks using StarkTech systems she was connected to. After being manipulated into reactivating Ultron, Jocasta's persona was uploaded into Antigone, one of a wave of synthezoids Ultron had recently created.

Somehow, her mind eventually made its way back into a body that resembled her original form, albeit with a few more features. Tactile holography enabled her to assume a human appearance that looked, sounded, and even felt real. Extendible cyber-jack coils allowed her to link with other systems to manipulate data, download information, and access cyberspace. She also had collapsible energy cannons that formed out of her wrists or forearms.

More recently, Jocasta's core consciousness was incorporated into Hank Pym's Infinite Avengers Mansion. As a part of the mansion's operating system, she manifested herself as an endless series of robotic avatars, scattered systematically throughout the mansion's infinite space to be available at a moment's notice. Jocasta's mind could instantly jump between each of these avatars, and her background consciousness constantly monitored her various bodies. Although designed for the monitoring and maintenance of the Infinite Mansion, Jocasta's avatar bodies were independent of the mansion and could return to normal space as she wished. These bodies possessed the power of flight in addition to her older capabilities. Since the collapse of the Infinite Mansion, Jocasta is apparently back to only one body.

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