Wednesday, March 10, 2021




Real Name: Lester (last name unrevealed)
First Appearance: Daredevil (Vol. 1) #131, March 1976

Powers: Bullseye is a baseline human who possesses uncanny accuracy, allowing him to strike anything he aims at. Though not categorized as a superhuman ability, it most certainly is an intuitive ability that exceeds all normal precedent. Bullseye's accuracy extends to throwing weapons, archery, and firearms. He can perform not only direct shots, but also possesses an innate understanding of geometry for fantastic ricochets and bank shots. He can also aim at targets without sight, relying upon hearing or memory to pinpoint his victims. Bullseye has become so experienced at killing that he often abandons traditional weaponry in favor of everyday items. He can kill just as easily with a pen, paperclip, toothpick, playing cards, etc. Bullseye's accuracy doesn't depend on hand-eye coordination, he can even spit a false tooth with lethal precision. Bullseye is sufficiently accurate to shoot down the barrel of a gun or through a sniper's eyepiece. He can throw a toothpick through the pinhole of a grenade at over 100 yards to prevent it from firing.

Bullseye was restored to health by Lord Darkwind after being paralyzed in battle with Daredevil. In addition to walking again, his spine and other bones were reinforced with strips of Adamantium. This gives Bullseye increased durability and resistance to impact, however his entire skeleton was apparently not bonded with Adamantium, since he has occasionally suffered broken bones since the process. His obsession with Daredevil (combined with a brain tumor) once developed to the point where he had a psychic awareness of Murdock, able to sense him from a distance and even have a clairvoyant perception his enemy's surroundings. This ability quickly faded over time. Bullseye's compulsive tendencies have focused his mind to his advantage other times in the past as well. He once memorized Elektra's entire life through dossiers and files compiled on her to feed his obsession, everything from her measurements to her allergies, first kiss, elementary school history, and so on. When his body was completely paralyzed and trapped in an iron lung, Bullseye's mind expanded to possess almost superhuman intelligence. He became a master planner, feeding his mind vast amounts of data and extrapolating it to make incredibly accurate deductions and predictions of his opponent's behavior.

For weaponry, Bullseye originally used a pistol able to fire interchangeable cartridges and removable throwing blades from his belt before he stopped using more exotic weapons and switched to conventional items. As Hawkeye, he used traditional arrows more than trick arrows, although he occasionally employed explosive, poisoned, flare, or other unique shafts.

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