Friday, March 26, 2021




Real Name: Variable ("Captain Universe" is the generic name for recipients of the Uni-Power, which constantly transfers from one person to another.)
First Appearance: Micronauts (Vol. 1) #8, August 1979

Powers: Captain Universe is not a person. It is the generic name for the recipient of the Uni-Power, a special kind of energy that endows an individual with a host of superhuman powers. The Uni-Power is a manifestation of the Enigma Force, an extra-dimensional energy originating in the subatomic realm known as the Microverse, wielded by the ethereal Time Travelers. The Uni-Power appears to be a floating globule of luminescent energy that appears seemingly from out of nowhere to engulf an individual, conferring upon him or her the costume, powers and knowledge of Captain Universe. The Uni-Power only manifests itself at a time of crisis, be it personal or worldwide, and then withdraws when the crisis has abated. How it chooses the individual who gets full possession of the Uni-Power to solve his or her crisis is yet known. The Uni-Power does not remain with one person for very long. It transfers from one person to another across the face of the world with no perceptible time lapsing between. At all times somewhere on Earth there is a Captain Universe (once, a pair of twins were Captain Universes simultaneously). The Uni-Power first empowered a NASA astronaut named Captain Ray Coffin, which is why the super-powered individual it creates is called "Captain Universe".

The Uni-Power can be manipulated by each Captain Universe in a variety of ways, dependent upon each recipient's imagination and strength. The Uni-Power amplifies strength about fifty times. Thus, if a person can normally lift (press) 150 pounds, he or she would now be able to lift approximately 7,500 pounds. Each Captain Universe is also granted the ability to fly by harnessing the Uni-Power's energy to generate anti-gravitions. The Uni-Power also grants the ability to manipulate the molecular structure of objects, changing one shape into another, or even transmuting the elements of an object from one substance to another. This power of molecular manipulation extends to both organic and inorganic matter. Thus, the Uni-Power can be used to heal wounds by rearranging the molecules of flesh, tissues or organs, or it can be used to alter the physical characteristics of a person (enlarging the hands or changing their features). The Uni-Power can also be wielded like an energy-beam, generating a luminous burst of energy with a concussive force determined to an extent by the user's ability. The Uni-Power also grants each Captain Universe Uni-Vision which enable the user to see the molecular structure of an object, to see through walls, or to see long distances away. The Uni-Vision is emitted by Captain Universe's eyes and produces a visible beam of energy. This energy has certain hypnotic-side-effects: a skillful wielder of the Uni-Vision can use it to hypnotize people into telling the truth.

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