Tuesday, March 16, 2021




Real Name: Griffin Gogol
First Appearance: Fantastic Four (Vol. 1) #177, December 1976

Powers: Griffin Gogol was a plumber who sought control of his cigarette smoking habit via hypnosis. When the administering psychologist revealed himself to be an extraterrestrial, the hypnosis technique released Gogol's "ultra-potential" (possibly the same as Rick Jones' Destiny Force). Whenever he activates his "ultra-powers", his Captain Ultra costume materializes. He can channel his psionic "ultra energy" into multiple superhuman physical and mental abilities, and is gradually developing more powers over time as he discovers new applications of this energy.
This gives him superhuman strength (up to Class 10), speed, agility, endurance, reflexes, and durability. His "scanner vision" allows him to see through substances up to 18 inches thick at a maximum distance of 20 feet. Captain Ultra can also become intangible at will in order to phase through solid objects. He can fly at speeds of up to 60 miles per hour, render himself intangible, expel air from his mouth via his "ultra-breath", a mighty gust of wind with concussive force, and emit a powerful sonic scream (his "ultra voice"). The latter not only amplifies his voice, but also produces vibratory shockwaves sufficient to shatter glass within a 10-block radius. He can channel his "ultra-energy" into physical regeneration, having once transformed his once balding scalp into a full, thick head of hair. He has even "ultra-powered" his sense of humor to tell an "ultra-joke". Gogol's psionic-based powers make him highly resistant to mind control.

Theoretically, his "potential" could provide him with a number of additional mental and physical powers not seen yet. He has had vocational training, is a passable stand-up comedian, and his quite adept at creating balloon animals.

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