Tuesday, March 16, 2021




Roster: Corsair (Christopher Summers, leader), Ch’od, Cr+EEE, Hepzibah, Raza Longknife

First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 1) #104, April 1977 (Corsair, Ch’od, Cr+EEE); The Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 1) #107, October 1977 (Hepzibah, Raza)

History and Powers: The Starjammers are a band of freewheeling pirates operating primarily in the Shi’ar Galaxy. Having suffered individually at the hands of the Shi’ar government as slaves, the Starjammers plunder Shi'ar starships in order to strike out against the Shi'ar Empire, though taking care not to harm individual passengers. Depending on their relationship with whomever currently occupies the Shi’ar throne, the Starjammers are either officially-recognized privateers or wanted fugitives and rebel terrorists. They share their name with the near-sentient spacecraft called the “HMSS Starjammer” which they liberated from the shipyards during their first escape.

Ch’od is a member of the alien Saurid race native to the Shi’ar Galaxy. The Saurid are sentient reptilians of humanoid form, possessing thick, scaly hides, four fingers (including a thumb on each hand, three clawed toes on each foot, and fan-like appendages resembling those of certain Earth lizards on the sides of his head, forearms, and the backs of his calves. Ch’od possesses superhuman strength (Class 25), endurance, and durability. He also possesses amphibious characteristics, such as lungs and gills that allow him to breathe in both the air and underwater. He is an excellent hand-to-hand combatant, trained in various forms of combat known in the Shi’ar Galaxy. He is a superb swordsman and marksman with various forms of Shi’ar weaponry. He is also a highly skilled starship pilot.

Cr+EEE is a small furry alien from the planet Lupus. He possesses human-level intelligence, but no special attributes.

Corsair is a baseline human from Earth who possesses no superhuman powers. Prior to his capture and enslavement by the Shi’ar, Christopher Summers was already a superb pilot, and thanks to his military training, skilled at the use of various weapons and at hand-to-hand combat. A member of the United States Air Force, he earned the rank of Major. As Corsair, he developed himself into a brilliant starship pilot. He also greatly improved his skills at hand-to-hand combat and mastered the use of various Shi'ar weapons. Corsair also become a highly accomplished swordsman. He also carried exo-gems on his uniform to store objects within pocket dimensional space for easy retrieval, including a pair of pulse blasters, grappling projector, and an alien metal fencing sword.

Hepzibah is a Mephitisoid, an alien feline-humanoid race located in the Shi’ar Galaxy. Like all Mephitisoids, she possesses enhanced speed, agility, endurance, leaping ability, reflexes, highly keen senses of sight, smell and hearing, flexible bone structure, razor sharp claws, a prehensile bushy tail, and the ability to produce pheromone cues to communicate and suggest actions. She is an excellent hand-to-hand combatant, trained in various forms of combat known in the Shi’ar Galaxy. She is a superb swordsman and marksman with various forms of Shi’ar weaponry. She is also highly skilled in acrobatics.

Raza Longknife is native to the Shi’ar Galaxy, but belongs to a different race than the Shi’ar royalty. He underwent bio-mechanical augmentation which left him with various bionic body parts, including his left eye, arm, and hand, as well as much of his face and thorax. He has superhuman strength, agility, endurance, reflexes, energy tracking sensors, multiple enhanced visual modes, a polymorphic bionic hand able to reshape itself into a blade, and an overall imperviousness to lasting physical harm, making him virtually immortal. His cybernetics contain advanced sensor systems and atmosphere processing systems that enable him to breathe in various alien environments. He is an excellent hand-to-hand combatant, trained in various forms of combat known in the Shi’ar Galaxy. He is a superb swordsman and marksman with various forms of Shi’ar weaponry.

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