Thursday, March 25, 2021




Real Name: Michael Twoyoungmen
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 1) #120, April 1979

Powers: Dr. Michael Twoyoungmen is a mystic employing the inherited magic of his tribe, the Sarcee. The main focus of his power is his medicine pouch, an unassuming bag that opens up into a dimensional void. Powered by his own belief in its enchantment, Shaman can reach inside the pouch and pull out any number of totems, powders, herbs, and other items of sorcerous potential. Using these aids, Shaman has demonstrated the ability to teleport across hundreds of miles, direct the storm elements, expel a stream of ice daggers, make people fall unconscious or experience great fear, cause plant-life to grow at an accelerated rate and act under his direction, heal physical and spiritual wounds, summon miniature wood totems that grow to giant size and become animated, etc. He also wears mystical bands on his wrists which can summon or displace his costume at will, and act which also triggers the masking spell which prevents anyone from recognizing him as Michael Twoyoungmen in costume. This masking spell can be expanded to disguise the appearances of other people with him, or render himself or others completely invisible to detection.

Shaman has limited personal power as well, enabling him to levitate himself a few feet off the ground, and perceive certain mystical phenomena. He can cast spells such as to reverse a Wendigo's possession, or force a compulsion of silence on someone to prevent them from talking about a certain subject. Under the proper circumstances, he is even capable of time travel. Michael can also receive messages and alerts from his grandfather, through that man's specially-preserved skull which Shaman keeps in his possession. After losing faith in his own powers, Shaman went on a vision quest and received new abilities. He wore an eagle headdress that could become his familiar, carried a spirit staff, and had the power to summon the various spirits of the natural world. When they were in his presence, Shaman could ask the spirit to grant him favors, such as having the spirit of the north wind to create a powerful gale, or the spirit of the wood a house was made of to dictate its history. He could not command these spirits, only supplicate before them.

Michael Twoyoungmen is an above-average athlete and a renowned extraordinary surgeon.

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