Friday, March 26, 2021




Real Name: Sybil Dvorak
First Appearance: Spider-Woman (Vol. 1) #10, January 1979

Powers: Known as Skein or as the Gypsy Moth, Sybil Dvorak is a mutant, possessing a version of telekinesis that she has apparently subconsciously limited so that she can only affect "soft" materials like hair and various forms of cloth, fabric, and textiles. Skein is capable of lifting people off the ground and moving them about through the air by hefting them by their clothes. She can cause someone's clothing (or long hair) to turn against them, wrapping them up in a cocoon, constricting to cut off blood flow, or throwing them into a wall or solid object.

While operating in her previous identity as Gypsy Moth, Sybil wove a set of moth-like wings out of soft material and mentally knitted them into the flesh on her back, using them to fly. Skein can manipulate fabrics on an individual thread-level, letting her unweave clothes into individual strands, and mentally weave loose material into new costumes or garments through concentration. As Skein, she keeps thick bundles of fabric around her arms at all times as a constant source of material to work with, sending it out as ropes and lassos or to bind her opponents in place.

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