Saturday, March 20, 2021




Real Name: Sergei Krylov
First Appearance: Defenders (Vol. 1) #52, October 1977

Powers: Sergei Krylov was a Russian nuclear physicist who developed radiation poisoning. He passed this along to his wife, who died giving birth to their twin children. Seeking to cure himself, he set off a cobalt bomb which bombarded him with nuclear radiation, altering him on a cellular level.

As the Presence, he originally possessed a radiation-enhanced ego, enabling him to impress his will on people with his mere presence. He soon designed a special process that infused him with even more energy, turning him into a living nuclear reactor. He produces considerable levels of radioactivity at all times, and can only prevent other people from dying in his presence by mentally holding back his radiation, or draining existing radioactivity from his environment and the people present in it. His irradiation gives him superhuman strength (Class 10), endurance, and resistance to physical injury, and enables him to survive in the vacuum of space and without food, water, or oxygen. He subsists on radioactive decay, thus has no need for any of the aforementioned three. The Presence is capable of generating directed radiation bursts as thermal or solid force energy, levitating himself in order to fly, shrink down to microscopic size, shift out of sync with perceptual reality to become unseen and unheard, and on one occasion even proved capable of reanimating the dead. He can sense all manner of energy and manipulate it in a wide range of ways. The Presence has certain psychic abilities that enable him to read the thoughts of other people, and can still exert influence over their thinking and willpower. He has also demonstrated the ability to infuse others with radioactive decay, transforming them into super-powered x-rayed zombies subject to his will.

Since the Presence has not been seen without his helmet and battle armor since his transformation, it's impossible to determine if his physical appearance was altered by his mutation. Sergei Krylov holds a Ph.D. in nuclear physics and is a genius with advanced knowledge of genetic engineering.

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