Monday, March 8, 2021




Real Name: Laynia Petrovna
First Appearance: Champions (Vol. 1) #7, August 1976

Powers: Darkstar’s mutant ability attuned her into the physical substance of the Darkforce Dimension. The substance is intense black extra-dimensional energy and she can manipulate it to her will.She is connected to it by means of her consciousness being divided between her physical body and a Darkforce representation of the same, the two symbiotically linked.

Darkstar can project the Darkforce into simple mentally controlled forms such as pincers, rings, columns, spheres, and so on. She can form objects with the density of steel. She can form objects with a maximum volume of approximately 750 cubic feet, sufficient to encompass ten human beings comfortably. These objects are solid and well defined while she consciously wills them to be. If she is rendered unconscious, they dissipate. Darkstar can also project the Darkforce as a beam of solid force, capable of impacting an object with sufficient power to rupture 3-inch solid high-carbon steel or tip over an average, loaded railroad boxcar (15 tons).

Darkstar can also employ the Darkforce to teleport herself and up to three others. She does this, in a manner similar to that of Cloak, by entering into the Darkforce's dimension of origin, traversing a distance (which may or may not be the linear correspondent distance in this dimension) and reemerging in Earth's space. She has so far been able to travel a maximum distance of about 4 miles in this way. Because crossing through the inter-dimensional portal disorients her sense of direction, and the light of the Earth dimension blinds her for several seconds upon reemergence, teleportation is risky. It also takes her several seconds to create a portal into the Darkforce dimension, preventing her from teleporting out of the way of such high velocity danger as a bullet.

Darkstar can utilize the attractive force of the Darkforce dimension to fly. By generating a virtually invisible portal into the dimension in the contour of her body, she balances its attractive force upon her against that of Earth's gravity, without passing through the portal. She can fly at speeds up to 120 miles per hour, the maximum velocity at which she is still able to breathe. She cannot support the weight of anyone other than herself while in flight.

Darkstar has often been described as having a "Darksoul", a second form of life essence overlapping her natural lifeforce to act as the source of her powers. She is a fair hand-to-hand combatant (trained by the KGB) and is fluent and both English and Russian.

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