Friday, March 19, 2021




Real Name: Anthony Davis
First Appearance: Defenders (Vol. 1) #51, December 1977

Powers: Anthony Davis was a NASA engineer who designed weaponized tossing rings. His primary weapon was a set of rings encircling his forearms which could be launched over his hands and strike his opponents. He could cybernetically control these rings, making them grow large enough to encircle an opponent and then move them about under remote direction or squeeze the life out of them by constricting. He used specialty rings as well that released a concussive charge or drained heat energy to freeze his target after encircling it. Other special rings worn around his waist would separate and expand into a whip, lasso, stepladder, etc. Ringer later had the Tinkerer upgrade his wrist-launchers, utilizing particulate matter condensers to form rings out of soot and dust found naturally in the atmosphere, giving him an unlimited supply of ammo.

After being gunned down by Scourge, he was saved by AIM and turned into a cyborg named Strikeback. Davis now possessed superhuman strength, reflexes, and durability, could project bolts of concussive force energy from his hands, and fly thanks to jets on the sides of his boots. He also had the power of teleportation, letting him instantaneously relocate himself and anyone in physical contact with him to a new position. He also possessed a cybernetic eye that suggested enhanced vision powers. He held a master's degree in mechanical engineering, and was a gifted inventor and engineer.

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