Monday, March 22, 2021




Real Name: Nikolai Krylenko
First Appearance: Iron Man (Vol. 1) #109, April 1978

Powers: Vanguard's mutant power generates a reflective energy field virtually identical to that of Unus the Untouchable. Vanguard is protected from nearly all possible forms of injury since his force field harmlessly repulses all forms of matter, electromagnetic, and kinetic energy, sending them back at the direction from which they originated. The critical ranges for his repulsion seem to be: Electromagnetic energy from 15 eV to 800 eV (electron volts) and kinetic energy from above 100 joules to 30 million joules. Thus, if a laser beam strikes his force field, it will be redirected back at its source. Even the concussive force of a punch will be repelled with equal force. Although the field never totally disappears, its effectiveness can be diminished by Vanguard's physical fatigue, repelling energy with less force than its bombardment.

By mentally adjusting the intensity of his field, Vanguard can control the amount of force with which projectile attacks are repelled and can even use his power to repel nearby, stationary objects that are not being directed at him. For long range assaults, he employs a focusing lens mechanism built into the hammer and sickle he carries, which channels his force field into a concussive blast when he crosses the two weapons over his chest. The hammer and sickle are also equipped with electromagnetic guidance circuitry that causes them to return to his hands after he throws them. Later, Vanguard became the Red Guardian, using a badge-shaped Vibranium shield.

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